‘Equity Teacher’: White People Have ‘No Culture’

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Why do parents allow their children to be “educated” by racist weirdos from the teachers’ unions?

In the San Ramon Valley Unified School District, California (of course), a special “equity teacher”–according to a complaint by a student’s mother–has been teaching the kiddies that white people have “no culture,” except for the bit they “stole” from others (https://www.newsweek.com/california-school-teaching-white-people-no-culture-sparks-fury-1828096). This is taught in… choir class!

Who knows what the, er, “teacher” meant by that? But even granting, foolishly, that this were true… Well, have you looked at any other group’s “culture” lately? If what you see makes you happy, get some help. You need it.

And yet with all the abuse–transgender grooming, anti-white propaganda, etc., etc.–millions of parents continue to send their kids to public schools. Go figure. How much worse could the alternatives possibly be?

If our civilization collapses, public education will have earned the lion’s share of blame.

Honk if you know what the word “equity” is supposed to mean.

Now the Colleges Hate White Women, Too

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Do we have to shout it from the housetops? “College” has become toxic, an active virus infecting our society, and it must have no more of public funds. Cut it back! Cut it way, way back!

Having amassed a great reservoir of hatred and contempt for white men who are not homosexuals, “higher education” is now spewing its vitriol at white women.

Profs and other idiots are flocking to a symposium in Toronto to hear a paper by a… student… entitled, “Love in the Time of Beckyism: On Willfulness and Wokeness–” what? wokeness?–“in Teacher Education” (https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=12134).

What the devil is “Beckyism”? Well, “Becky” is a new term coined by, ahem, educators to show their disdain for young white women–same thing as calling a black person “Sambo.”

Let me quote at length from the symposium’s organizers.

“In the tradition of speculative fiction, parable, and counterstorytelling [?] within critical race theory [?], this session aims to problematize [?] the characterization of ‘Becky,’ a term specific to white women who engage in whiteness [?], often in gendered ways [?]… This characterization is relevant to education by critically examining who is Becky and how she is characterized, her positionality [?] in education, and how the hope for diversity, inclusion, equity, and racial justice [?] within the P-20 educational pipeline [whatever that is] is impacted by Becky” (who, we are told, “enacts oppression”)…”

Is this even English? Is this how sane people talk?

More: “Explorations of Becky and implications of educational practice from a variety of perspectives and contexts will illuminate the dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression tied to the gendered and raced mechanisms of whiteness [?] enacted by Becky.”

Can you feel the love?

And, “This paper establishes how white women are not seeking to disinvest from whiteness,” blah-blah-blah. Gonna need two Drivel Bingo cards for this one.

This is being done on your dime, America. These are your colleges and universities, that you pay for, expressing the most profound contempt for you and everything you value–and teaching your children to do the same.

That’s your tuition money, and your taxes. Those are your daughters, whom they despise as “Becky.” It really ought to make you mad.

It is a sin to raise up strife among people who would otherwise be at peace with one another. But this is what our colleges are doing–every day, everywhere. A self-respecting people would put a stop to it.

Now. Stop it now.

Rutgers Prof: ‘White People Own Time’

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It would be less disrespectful to us, the defenseless taxpayers of New Jersey, if they raked all our money into a pile and set it on fire. But instead they use it to fund Rutgers.

My old alma mater, the state university, covered itself with yet more academic glory a few days ago. A Rutgers professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies–you already know where this is going, don’t you?–in an interview on NPR, where else, declared that “white people own time” (https://www.thecollegefix.com/rutgers-professor-even-the-concept-of-time-is-racist/).

According to this racist nitwit, “white people” invented the whole idea of time, so that makes time Racist, I guess if you peek at your wristwatch to see if this broadcast will be over soon, that makes you a White Supremacist Slave-Holder or something. “But we,” she added, meaning “we proud African people,” blah-blah, “treat time as though it is timeless.”

What a load of crap.

Does this have anything to do with why recent college graduates have so much trouble showing up for work on time? That is, if they work at all.

It distresses me that money that I work for goes to pay this jidrool’s salary, not to mention spectacular benefits that real people who don’t work for the state of New Jersey can only dream about… and pay for.

Defund the colleges now. Before it’s too late.

‘U.N. Tomfools at it Again’ (2016)

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When you’re finished posing for Forbes, your reparations check is ready

Do you think you should be punished for something you didn’t do, something that was done several generations before you were born, before your family had even come to this country?

What! You don’t believe in Reparations???

U.N. Tomfools at It Again

The United Nations thinks we Americans, those of us who can’t prove we’re black,  ought to be forced to pay “reparations” to black Americans, for slavery that came to an end in America 154 years ago.

I’m home free, though, and you can be, too. Just do as I have done, and self-identify as a person of African descent. Anyone who would deny it is obviously a racist. Hey, I’m not gonna pay reparations to myself! And neither should any of you. Just take refuge in the dodge that leftids themselves have invented, and skate right over this.

A Christian-Bashing, Racist Textbook

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Still waiting for someone to fill in the blank: “I send my sons and daughters to public school because ________.”

Hey, maybe it’s so they can use the new U.S. History textbook, By the People–well, some of the people!–published by Pearson for use in Advanced Placement classes (http://thefederalist.com/2018/04/17/ap-u-s-history-textbook-implies-christians-bigots-reagan-racist-sexist/). These are the classes for the really smart kids, and this is what is proposed to be their textbook in 2019.

By the People is an extraordinary example of leftid spitting and hissing passed off as “education.” The authors decry President Donald Trump’s “not-very-hidden racism”–as opposed to their own racism, which is spilling out all over: whites bad, non-whites good–implying that everyone who voted for him is a racist, or at least part of an “overwhelmingly white group.” Somehow 63 million voters get morphed into the KKK.

The book also taunts Christians and describes police forces as “an occupying army.”

Look, I don’t care how smart your kid is, or how independent: no one can successfully resist a non-stop daily diet of this poison. Believe me, I know. The whole time I was in college, I thought I was resisting the clumsy, heavy-handed stuff; but I was letting the sneakier stuff slip under the door and get to me. Took me 30 years to recover!

America’s public schools and colleges are working as hard as they can to get rid of America by turning it into something else.

Want to do a good thing for your country, and a good thing for your family?

Pull your kids out of public school and give them a Christian education! Either at home or in a Christian school.

Because our so-called “educators” are out to bury us, and I don’t mean maybe.

Stanford U. to Teach ‘Abolishing Whiteness’

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It’s getting harder and harder to report the news from colleges–because it makes less and less sense.

Stanford University has announced that it will hold a special seminar on “White Identity Politics” which will discuss, among other things, the possibility of “abolishing whiteness” (https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/35419/).

See, get rid of whiteness and you get rid of inequality. And what is whiteness? It’s “the set of behaviors and outlooks associated with the racial category, white.” Or so the university spokesthing tells us.

What set of behaviors and outlooks might those be? They don’t tell us, but we can guess. What is “acting white”? Hmm… Studying hard to get good grades (instead of having them doled out to you unearned). Holding a job and actually showing up for work on time. Voting for someone for some reason other than his or her or its membership in some particular group, as in “Vote for Hillary because she’s a woman!” Getting married before having children, and staying married while you raise them. Stuff like that.

These are the behaviors and outlooks that college wallahs want to see abolished. After all, it’s soooo much easier to lord it over ignorant, immoral bastards dependent on the government for sustenance.

Again we must say: America’s university system has become harmful to the nation and urgently needs to be cut back. Way back, to about a tenth of its present size.

Or we could just let them go on teaching that you can get rid of inequality by getting rid of whiteness–or whatever other this-worldly, Godless, humanist magic formula they come up with.

Because the message behind every one of these utopian schemes is salvation not by God but by the hand of man–sinful, fallible, fearful, and very limited man. Liberalism is a false religion offering false hopes and a false salvation.

And our schools and colleges are its churches.

University of Missouri: Party’s Over

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Remember those lovely riots two summers ago, in Ferguson, Missouri, and, shortly afterward, the violent “protests” at the University of Missouri campus? Professors getting busted for inciting violence, all sorts of largely imaginary “racial incidents”? Remember how it was suddenly open season on white students?

Well surprise, surprise! Freshman enrollment at UMo is down 35% since then; and, what’s more, university honchos admit that the “protests” and the anti-white environment are the cause of it (http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/07/10/report-students-shun-university-of-missouri-two-years-after-protests-enrollment-down-35/).

Really, if you’re white and you want to enroll at one of those “down with Whitey!” universities, you either haven’t been paying any attention at all, or you need your head examined. Or maybe you just really like groveling and being abused.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we have too many people being mis-educated in our colleges, and way too many nudnicks being paid good money for mis-educating them. Years down the road, what are we supposed to do with thousands of angry, ignorant, pampered, incompetent young people with “degrees” in Social Justice or Gender Studies?

Our university system, as presently–shall I say “waged,” as in “waging war”?–is a threat to our prosperity, our national stability, and our whole way of life. It needs to be cut back with a scythe.

It’s good news that a lot of students are choosing not to go to UMo.

It would be better news if 90% of our high school graduates chose not to go to any university.

About Time! Bill Seeks to Defund State College

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Evergreen State College, paid for by the taxpayers of Washington State, was in the news last week for holding a “Day of Absence” intended to ban all white persons from the campus (http://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/2017/06/01/racist-protests-shut-down-evergreen-college-as-lawmakers-look-to-strip-funding.html). This was, of course, for “diversity.” Things got rather ugly when one white professor refused to stay away that day and tried to conduct his classes as usual. He was probably lucky to escape injury.

In response to this incident and others, there is now a bill in the state legislature to privatize Evergreen over the next five years–and also, as soon as possible, to strip this palace of ignorance of $24 million it currently receives in funding.

Stand up and cheer! This is exactly what this country needs, coast to coast.

Our “higher education” system has become a nursery of bitterness, educational malpractice, and a hatchery of left-wing lunacy. It is monstrously over-funded, over-staffed, and too many people are vegetating there instead of finding productive work and, well, growing up. It has become a millstone around the nation’s neck.

There is a place for pure scholarship, for love of learning for its own sake, for the preservation of our civilization’s cultural treasures. But our colleges and universities have given up that role.

Why in the world should billions of dollars of public money be shelled out for no other purpose but to undermine the country by filling it with angry idiots who don’t know how to earn a living?

Cut it back. Cut it way, way back.

Prof Wants All White People to Pay ‘Reparations’ for Slavery

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I find it rather hard to empathize with Georgetown U. Sociology Prof. Michael Dyson. He has a tenured position. I don’t. He will have a nice pension when he retires. I won’t. He probably owns a home. I don’t.

And yet he thinks I should pay him my money as “reparations” for slavery that ended in America 150 years ago. He has never been a slave, I have never owned a slave (or even met one, or known anyone who’d ever seen one), but I have to pay.

Over my dead body, sunshine.

I missed this story when it came out in January. Dyson has recommended that white people–he has not defined “white,” which may keep people of mixed racial ancestry (that is, most of us) on tenterhooks–ought to set up “Individual Reparations Accounts” to pay back people who have never been slaves for slavery that ended 150 years ago. (http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=8618 )

This, he says, is not so much to grab money that the recipients never worked for as to “force white people to confront their own privilege and consider why you possess what you possess.” Then again, he looks forward to receiving other people’s money. “I ain’t turning down $25 million,” says the Ph. D.

I confess I find it hard to imagine the mental landscape of any individual so wanting in honesty, fairness, decency, and self-respect. If he had a little more integrity, he’d be a mugger.

Those who send their sons and daughters to Georgetown ought to be ashamed of themselves. They’re paying this freeloader’s salary and pension.

I really don’t see how “white privilege” or “systemic racism” or the Bossa Nova kept him out of an extremely comfortable and secure position. Do you?

Children Blamed for School ‘Slave Auction’

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Your public school tax dollars at work!

Fifth-grade kids at Jefferson Elementary School in Maplewood, NJ, have been blamed for holding an “impromptu” mock slave auction in their classroom ( http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2017/03/20/maplewood-mock-slave-auction/ ). Gosh, where could they have ever gotten the idea to do that? It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the way our public schools obsessively teach American history as a mere extension of slavery and wickedness, could it?

School officials say the regular teacher was out, a substitute was in, and it was all the children’s fault, there was no mock slave auction in the lesson plan, yatta-yatta.

As a former classroom teacher, I can tell you with certainty that even if the whole thing were, as school officials say, all the doing of the children in the class, they could not have done it unless all the children willingly participated. Otherwise it would’ve erupted into a brawl. No child could have been “sold” if he’d refused to go along with the make-believe. And now all the adults are rending their garments and loudly lamenting.

Believe me, public schools hammer it into children’s heads–slavery, slavery, slavery! Like it was the only thing that ever happened in America. I have seen this for myself.

Frankly, I suspect that the kids–if they were not directed from above–dreamed up this stunt as a way of goofing on the substitute.

And parents who love and respect their sons and daughters do not subject them to a public school education.