Non-Celebrities Demand Congress ‘Stand Up to Trump’

You do wonder if these people are quite all there.

They call themselves celebrities. I thought celebrities were supposed to be famous. Most of these drips I never saw or heard of before. Why do they think they’re so important?

This is their public dissservice announcement, in which they claim that they are the majority voice of the country and demand that Congress “stand up to Trump” and, I guess, carry on  Pipsqueak Obama’s glorious work of turning America into Venezuela North.

The truth is not in these people–not surprising, given that their sages at the universities teach that there’s no such thing as truth (but how, then, can that statement be true? huh?). So they have no hesitation at all in claiming that “wimmin” and “people of color” have been physically attacked by us deplorable Trump supporters. As always with leftids, this is an exercise in projection. All of the violence has been committed by libs and against Trump supporters. As always, they do what they accuse you of doing.

They close with Martin Sheen, the brain-dead actor who once played the president in a TV show and apparently thinks he still is. They’ve also got one of those precious creepy clergymen in a purple shirt who probably prays to The Goddess whenever he attends a PCUSA general assembly. Betcha he performs same-sex parodies of marriage.

Hmmm… I wonder what these bacteria would say if we, some years ago, rounded up some people who said they were celebrities and made a PSA urging Congress to stand up to Obama. Oh, I forgot! We actually elected a House and Senate  that promised us they’d do that… and then they didn’t, and that’s why Donald Trump won the Republican primary.

Well, these libs wouldn’t be howling if they’d won, and we’d have the Clinton crime syndicate selling off the country from the Oval Office. So let ’em howl! Because it reminds us that they’ve lost.