The War on Reality: ‘Mermaiding’

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If you want to look at pictures of jidrools pretending to be mermaids, go ahead. If you’d rather not, here’s a picture of a sane mother robin feeding her babies.

What do you do with your time, if you have no more sense than, say, a box of Cocoa Puffs?

Well, CNN–better initials might be “LOL”–celebrates “a growing subculture” of kooks who pretend to be “mermaids” ( They wear fake mermaid tails, some of which cost thousands of dollars apiece, and hang out with other kooks.

Let us quote from CNN’s description of one young man: “he learned about the trend”–good grief, it’s a trend?–“through transgender friends and became fascinated by ‘the transition from one species to another, the ability to inhabit a new, magical identity.'”

For some reason I can’t fathom, all the “mermaids” in the CNN article are in Israel. Supposedly you can find these dopes in other countries, too.

It seems the world has opened a door marked “crazy” and has no way to close it.

But this is what happens when you desert God. Nobody left to worship but devils and idiots.

Back to “Tarzan and the Leopard Men” for me.