They Still Think You’re Stupid

Image result for images of new murphy brown

She’s baaaaack…

I went to the eye doctor yesterday, where I was subjected to television. That meant an endless stream of promotional spots for the “reboot” of Murphy Brown, the show whose heyday was 1988-1998, starring Candice Bergen as the hardboiled crusading… “journalist.” She’s back for the reboot.

Hmmm… TV news ratings suck lately, and public esteem for “journalists” is at an assiduously-earned all-time low. Because all they do is bash Trump and we don’t believe them anymore. So why bring back Murphy Brown?

Because they think we’ll fall in love with her again and then go back to loving, respecting, admiring, and believing the fake nooze merchants who clutter up our airwaves. Love Murphy, love them. Dude! Would Murphy Brown ever lie to you?

The most off-putting feature of the promo spots was a parade of middle-aged adults dancing around like teenagers. I am sure they were supposed to be cool. Trendy. If I ever thought anyone ever saw me as trying to be trendy, I would be unbearably ashamed of myself. There is something grotesque about fiftyish folks trying to pass for fifteen. The message, I think, is that if you watch the new Murphy Brown, and rediscover your high esteem for her real-life colleagues in the nooze business, everyone will think you’re cool.


Our nooze media have degenerated to being nothing more or less than minions of the Far Left Crazy Democrat Party. They do not deserve our respect.