Renegade Pope at It Again

Pope Francis condemns 'evil' fake news

What is he thinking?

Honk if you think this sounds even marginally Catholic.

Pope Francis, the Red Pope, in a letter to the annual World Bank and International Monetary Fund spring meeting, called for “global governance” (because COVID, etc.) and universal vaccines, and lamented an “ecological debt” owed to “nature itself” (


We get this from LifeSiteNews, which has been permanently banned from YouTube because Big Tech doesn’t want you to know about things that might upset you.

Oh–and Franky wants “a new societal order,” too. If that doesn’t make you afraid, check to see if you can fog a mirror.

Does anybody really like the idea of the pope, any pope, hopping into bed with the World Bank and the IMF? I mean, is that, like, the gold standard of “sinister”?

And then there are the Protestant LOL seminaries where they “re-imagine” Christianity without… the cross.

O Lord our God, bless your faithful servants wherever you find them… and give them strength and equip them to stand against the wiles of the devil.