Were ‘Sex-Bots’ Really Such a Great Idea?

Image result for images of sex robot

If this turns you on, you need turning off.

News from the total depravity front!

Addressing the annual meeting of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, a Duke University scientist warned that “sex-bots”–robots created to service loons with weird sexual desires–could pose “psychological threats to humans” (https://nypost.com/2020/02/15/sex-robots-pose-psychological-threats-for-humans-researchers-warn/).

“Some robots,” she said, “are programmed to protest, to create a rape scenario.” And some, she added, “are designed to look like children.”

The threat, as anyone who’s not a nut can see, is that some of these kooks will get tired of sexually abusing robots, leave the bots behind, and seek out human victims–a bigger thrill, don’t you know.

Isn’t it about time someone asked, “What the devil do we think we’re doing?” And, like, stop doing it? Come on! Were sex-bots ever something we should have invented? Is this really what our minds are for?

Thanks to people who really should know better, but don’t, because they have no moral grounding, our society is growing more and more perverted.

Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong.