Florida: Slaying the Dragon

St. George slaying the dragon Reproduction For Sale | 1st Art Gallery

St. George slays the dragon

Thank God for Florida!

Florida’s state board of education has announced that it will revoke or suspend the teaching license of anyone, any teacher, who will “discuss gender identification” or “sexuality” with children in an elementary school classroom, grades K-3–thus enforcing state law, the Parental Rights in Education Act (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fla-to-strip-licenses-of-k-3-teachers-who-discuss-gender-identity-sexuality/ar-AA12VLOp).

There is no reason for such so-called “teaching”! Its only conceivable purpose is to groom children for sexual experimentation–something that no one but a damned fool thinks is worth doing. I use the term “damned fool” in its literal sense.

Far Left Crazy will be screaming bloody murder over this. Let them! We only pray that this action will be taken by all the other states.

Thank you, Gov. DeSantis, state school board, Florida legislature, and the legions of parents who have stepped up–as they should–to protect their children.

They’d be even better protected if they weren’t in the public schools at all.