When Ninnies Attack

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Isn’t it grand, to be lectured by Hollywood celebrities who don’t have any more brains than God gave a birdbath?

If you were one of the few misguided people who watched the Oscars this year, you would’ve seen Emma Watson, of Harry Potter fame, gettin’ down for the struggle by showing off the “Time’s Up” slogan tattooed on her arm (http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/oscars/emma-watson-jokes-grammatical-error-time-tattoo-article-1.3858416).

Uh… two things stand out.

*It’s a fake tattoo, not a real one. You didn’t expect a Hollywood liberal to do something real, did you?

*And it’s missing the apostrophe, so it just reads “Times Up.” The original typo tattoo.

The 27-year-old genius wore the fake tattoo to the Oscars to drum up support for the “Time’s Up” initiative, which is supposed to do whatever. She explained, “We are standing for ALL marginalized people!”

I feel safer already.

Oops, no I don’t. Only members of Cherished Minorities may apply.

Please, please, California! Secede from the Union. And please make sure to take Hollywood with you.