UN Honcho: Human Race Doomed, Unless–

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I know, it reads like a satire. But I can’t help it if liberals say things that satirize themselves.

Today’s self-satire is provided by a Ms. Espinosa, president of the United Nations General Assembly: who, at a UN Climbit Change conference currently being held in Poland (I thought the Poles had more sense than that), warns us that the whole human race is “in danger of disappearing” if Climbit Change is “allowed to progress at its current rate” (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/12/03/u-n-official-issues-warning-mankind-in-danger-of-disappearing/).

Allowed? Did she just say “allowed”? Maybe we should’ve made the climate go stand in a corner.

Stop me if you’ve heard this before. We’re all gonna die unless we give government fantastic new powers to interfere with our lives, blah-blah. In the words of Ms. Espinosa, “We require deep transformations of our economies and societies” to avoid total catastrophe. Who thinks those “deep transformations” would result in more freedom instead of less, and a higher standard of living?

With or without the UN’s permission, “climate” is always changing. That’s because the earth is a living planet in a complicated universe. The UN insists human activity is responsible for “climate change.” Uh, hey–could we get rid of that label? We have lots and lots of different climates scattered all over the world, That’s why Mongolia is not like Oregon. Could we stop talking about some global “climate” that doesn’t exist?

Anyhow, gigantic and very poorly-understood natural forces–the sun’s output, for instance–control what happens to the various climates on the earth. Government can’t stop, control, or manipulate these forces. The best we can ever hope to do is to roll with the punches.

But of course if you’re a non-Christian humanist doofus, you don’t believe in God, you don’t believe He is sovereign over His whole creation, you’re sure everything happens by merest chance unless some all-powerful State advised by all-wise Science controls it, etc., etc.

What bunk.