New York to be the Next Atlantis?

“When in doubt, panic,” somebody once said. The Global Warming gang is panicking.

Now we are told, through the National Academy of Science, that New York and 1,700 other U.S. cities are going to be underwater by the year 2100, thanks to Global Warming–the same Global Warming that mysteriously freezes the Great Lakes and chokes Boston with mountains of snow. The story is all over the Internet. Rather than belabor material which has already been abundantly reported (just search “New York underwater by 2100” and you’ll see what I mean), we called on Dr. Horatio Pinhead, Professor of Smart Science at Baal University. Dr. Pinhead is chairman of the You’re Not Smart So Shut Up Foundation.

“If they think it’s going to be bad when New York sinks beneath the waves,” said Dr. Pinhead, “wait’ll it happens to Topeka. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

“The only way to avoid this doom, and ensure a meaningful life for every human being on the planet,” he said, “is for everyone to pay a whopping great carbon tax and go back to living like 9th-century Scottish peasants. Of course, a small ruling class, advised by scientists, will be essential. And it’s only the smart thing to provide these individuals with gigantic, opulent mansions, private jets, and kobe beef. The moment these conditions are met, we scientists promise to stop all the  bad weather. Oh–and you should stop believing in God, because God can’t do what we can do.”

We asked Dr. Pinhead if he considered it sporting to terrorize ignorant people with apocalyptic scare stories.

“We do it for a good cause, so of course it’s right to do it,” he said. “The world must be governed scientifically–by me and my friends, and by the honest politicians who fund our research, and by nice guys like George Soros. Whatever it takes to get that done, is right.”

“If you’re not a climate scientist who believes in Climate Change,” he added, “shut up. If you’re not a politician with a D after his name, shut up. Shut up and watch TV–uh, if there still is TV. If not, shut up and go to bed.”

13 comments on “New York to be the Next Atlantis?

  1. And even the glaciers are part of “The Great Conspiracy”.

    Look at the deceit that has been involved in going from this:

    to this:

    Must have taken hours of Photoshop time.

    Even the famous Matterhorn is part of “The Great Conspiracy”.

    Claims about rising sea level are also part of “The Great Conspiracy”.
    Look what happens when somebody left their hose on and then “The Great Conspiracy” attributed it to Global Warming.
    “Miami Beach Sea Level Rise, Paradise Lost!”

    P.S. Here’s a hint. The real world is not interested in Global Warming Deniers’ fabricated conspiracies and/or their paranoia.

    Note: So far, winter has averaged well above normal temperatures for the U. S.
    1) Go to
    2) Enter 2. 17, and 2015 in the date fields
    3) Select “Mean Temperature C” for the image
    4) Select the “90 Day” range of days
    5) Click on “Display”
    6) Go back to your conspiracy theories and paranoia.

    1. And they say I never publish comments by mean-spirited lefty boobs.
      It’s zero degrees here, as I write this. Zero Global Warming degrees.
      “Well above average temperatures”–that’s a knee-slapper!

    2. Did you check the link?

      Temperature anomalies at all 4 primary temperature databases and the UAH satellite observations are currently setting new record highs. (Updated thru Jan. 2015) 2014 was the warmest year on record as measured by GISS, NOAA/NCDC, HadCRUT4, and the Japan Meteorological Agency.

      Graph at:
      Data at:

      Graph at:
      Data at:

      Graph at:
      Data at:

      Graph at:
      (Graph shows annual data)

      Graph at:
      Data at:

    3. There’s no point having me check data that may or may not be corrupted. If you read the report in The Telegraph about 10 days ago, the temperature data has been fiddled with. I don’t have time to check a lot of figures that I can’t trust in the first place.

      Why should I believe in Global Warming, when big-time warmists like Gore, Kerry, and Obama live lavishly and act like they have no fear of it whatsoever? They don’t act like they believe it.

      Why should I trust scientists who have consistently refused to debate their critics openly? For that matter, why should I trust scientists at all?

      Not after Climategate.

  2. I have always said we need to live like in the old days, for the benefit of nature, but of course nobody ever listens to me.

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