New York Values?

New Yorkers are always startled and amazed to discover that the rest of the country doesn’t seem to like them very much.

They’re in an uproar because Ted Cruz said Donald Trump had “New York values,” alien to the people of the other 49 states. Well, I dunno–how much worse can they be than California values?

Let us stipulate that it was a stupid thing to say–but what did Senator Cruz mean by it? He’s not a stupid man, so he must have meant something. He also doesn’t have all that much experience in politics–but what did he mean? What are New York values?

I live in New Jersey, so I have to be kind of careful about casting stones.

Meaning no disrespect to the people of New York City–I presume Cruz was focused on the city, not the state–would it be unfair to say that New York values liberal politics, a parade for every identity voting group, obtrusive artsy-fartsyness, and an unshakeable conviction that their city is the real capitol of America and everybody else is merely peasants? It is, after all, the city that gives us Al Sharpton, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Wilhelm Jr. dba Mayor Bill DeBlasio (a Sandinista wannabe–how ridiculous is that?), and, saints preserve us, The New York Times. That’s a lot to have to answer for.

But what are Massachusetts values? Don’t ask! Seattle values? How about Chicago values?

The values that matter come from God’s word, and may be found in any city. Even in San Francisco. You can find Biblical “values”–y’know, I really don’t much care for that word–in New York, but you can’t find New York values in the Bible.


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