‘Bernie: If You’re White, You Don’t Know What It’s Like to be Poor’ (2016)

Well, Bernie Sanders sure as shootin’ doesn’t know what it’s like to be poor: that much we know. And to think this socialist fat-head would’ve been the Democrat nominee for president, if Hillary (who’s no better!) hadn’t cheated him out of it. Millions of people would have voted for this guy.


Why revisit this? Because it’s needful to remember that leftism sprouts directly from Original Sin. It is covetousness enthroned–the whole idea that anything that’s wrong in your life is someone else’s fault and the government exists to drag everybody else down to your level.

One comment on “‘Bernie: If You’re White, You Don’t Know What It’s Like to be Poor’ (2016)”

  1. Their goal is to have the elites – also known as the one percenters – at the top and the rest of us as beasts of burden at the bottom. No middle will exist, and before long they’ll eliminate many of the beasts of burden (us), replacing us with robots. Bernie can’t relate to ‘poor’.

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