Cats & Babies: The Showdown

The cats in this video are not in the mood for the babies’ attentions. But with what gentleness they try to discourage those attentions! It would be the easiest thing in the world for a cat to scratch a baby–but none of these cats does anything to make the baby cry. How do they know they ought to be gentle with a human baby?

They’re smarter than you think.

2 comments on “Cats & Babies: The Showdown

  1. They don’t get any cuter than this. I have a song suggestion when/if you wish to post. Carroll Roberson’s “I Know God put em there.” Another one I love is, Change My Heart, Oh God. I have been sick with a cold/ maybe severe allergy from all the smoke from the forest fires, ?? Just been feeling
    really awful. Still praying for Linda.

  2. I that to be part of the design that these little hunters would know that an infant can’t be harmed. We see God’s influence all around us, if we take the time to notice.

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