Comment Contest… Counting Down

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Would you believe it? In our quest to post 40,000 comments, we have a mere 600 to go! The readers here should be able to do that standing on their heads. Although it would be easier to do, sitting down.

Ah! And what’s the prize for posting Comment No. 40,000? Well, it was going to be an autographed copy of my new book, The Temptation, which should be published pretty soon. But now, if I can swing it…

From the picturesque fjords of Norway! a genuine, live baby Tyrannosaurus rex! Pictured above, and pictures don’t lie. Just ask any TV noozie. The little girl in the picture is actually someone famous, disguised as a little girl. I am not at liberty to reveal her identity, but you know famous people never lie.

All comments are eligible, except: those of abuse of anyone else on this site; any comments containing blasphemy or profanity; commercials disguised as comments; remarks too inane to bother with.


11 comments on “Comment Contest… Counting Down

  1. Maybe even Godzilla will join the contest!! I can guess that this contest is going to be a hot one! 🔥

    1. It really is! I love Mr. Duigon’s contests: one of the fun things in life.

  2. Did the famous-person-disguised-as-a-little-girl authorize you to use the pronoun “her” about … xem? zi? urk? Did you even ask? If not, fie! 🙂 🙂

  3. Here is another worship song suggestion for whenever you find time for it:
    Holy Ground. There are several versions to choose from
    Since we are now the children of God, and He has made us His dwelling place, we need to be as holy a temple for His presence as possible.

    1. Let me catch my breath and try to live up to that.
      But of course there are a lot of worthwhile blogs–and I try to reblog from as many of them as I can.

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