A Google Employees’ Freak-Out

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Honest, I’m not making this up.

See, Google has this “Artificial Intelligence advisory council,” to guide them in their pursuit of Artificial Intelligence, sort of like King Pellinore used to chase the Questing Beast, and they invited the president of the Heritage Foundation to serve on the committee–I guess as a token conservative, so that no one would say it was just another bunch of lefties pretending to guide the French Revolution–and Google employees have freaked out over it, according to documents leaked to Breitbart News (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/04/04/exclusive-leak-google-heritage-foundation-meltdown/).

They’re spinning their heads around and levitating over this. ‘Cause conservatives are trans-phobic, homophobic, all full of “extremism” and “exterminationist” views. That’s the brand-new Far Left Crazy buzz-word. If you don’t agree with them that aberrant sexuality is, like, a really good thing, you must secretly want to exterminate minorities.

Yes, they’re chewing the rug over the Heritage Foundation’s “hateful positions against trans people, particularly trans women of color.” Wow. If any woman of color (except a Republican one) is infallible, would a trans WOC be doubly infallible?

Just for the record, there is no such thing as a “trans person.” There are only mentally ill people who say they are “transgender.” No matter how much “gender reassignment” surgery you go in for, no matter what hormones they pump into your veins, there are only men, with XY chromosomes, and women, with XX chromosomes. At the cellular level, where it counts, one’s sex cannot be changed. Period.

Question: Why are we letting our civilization be taken over by persons who belong in a rubber room, and their enablers?

King Pellinore never caught the Questing Beast. No one ever did. And no one will ever create “intelligence,” either: it can only ever be a simulation.

But man, oh, man, are they going full-throttle for Artificial Stupidity!

7 comments on “A Google Employees’ Freak-Out

  1. They don’t have real any arguments, they only have their feelings. They are people driven by their passions, and unbridled emotions will trump reason and logic every time. They are also masters of projections, and project all their negative traits onto others. In reality they are the extremists, but they were never big on reality to begin with.

  2. These Progressives clothe everything in morality, with them being the moral ones and anyone who disagrees with them being the immoral ones – better yet, the evil ones. Empirical evidence is not allowed into the debate – only pure emotion. They are the Barking Beast we must slay with the Truth by taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

  3. Is there a way to attach a Word document here?
    I have an article quoting Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, who counseled thousands of people dealing with homosexual tendencies. Dr. Satinover reports on the largest study of human sexuality ever done, published in 1994.
    “The National Health and Social Life Survey” was produced by a large research team at the University of Chicago, funded by all the major government agencies interested in the AIDS epidemic.
    Among their key findings: “Without any intervention whatsoever, three out of four boys who think they’re gay at age 16 aren’t by age 25. . . So if you put students into an environment which normalizes homosexuality, your’e going to support the wrong thing in three out of four instances. That’s with no outside intervention, just the natural processes of development.” . . .
    “Numerous studies repeatedly put out by the National Institutes of health and respected universities, i.e., not fringe research, but research accepted by anyone with a serious interest in the AIDS epidemic, have shown that approximately 25% of men who, at age 20, identified themselves as gay, will be either HIV positive or dead of AIDS by age 30.” . . .
    “That also means that every educator who supports 10 kids in their identification as gay boys will have contributed to the deaths of three, and of those three it’s not even likely that two actually would have continued to consider themselves, “gay.”

    I just forwarded the article, “Homosexuality and Teens,” to our Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker, who has on his desk for signature, a bill that would have the state take children from parents who tried to get counseling for a child confused about their sexuality! We are asking him to veto it.

    1. God help us.
      I think you’d have to post a link to that document rather than the whole thing, so people can read the whole thing if they click the link. That’s what I do–I’ve never tried to post a whole word document here, and I’m not brave enough to try it now.

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