‘A Good Question!’ (2016)

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Remember when all the whoopee crowd was shunning North Carolina because the state wouldn’t let grown men creep into the bathroom after little girls? And Bruce Springsteen the dingbat said he wouldn’t perform in North Carolina because of that, the very idea…

A Good Question!

So Frank Turek asked a very good question. Can Bruce Springsteen refuse to perform at a “gay wedding”? Not that he ever would–but could he?

Of course he can. He’s Bruce Springsteen. That kind of tyranny–forcing you to take part in a same-sex parody of holy matrimony–is only to be forced upon us peasants.

But first you’d have to find a celebrity who wasn’t a moral imbecile.

10 comments on “‘A Good Question!’ (2016)

  1. Makes me want to move to No. Carolina. I’ve never held Springsteen in high regard and living someplace where he wouldn’t set foot sounds like a plus.

  2. We stopped shopping at Target years ago when they proclaimed trans people could use any bathroom (or changing room), even though most Target stores already had separate, family restrooms. With 2 little girls, I was apalled and thought this was just asking for trouble. Anyone could claim to be trans just to gain access to the women’s rooms. Haven’t shopped there since and haven’t missed it either. I’m with North Carolina on this one.

  3. I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post; you hit it on the head, Lee. If he’d refused to perform at a politically correct event, he would have been pilloried in the press.

    1. He’s always been “Bruce Who” to me. I never drank the Kool-Aid with regard to Springsteen. He was a manufactured product.

    2. If you ever saw Black & White Night, with Roy Orbison, you would likely conclude that he was also a camera hog that apparently insisted on face time every so often as a condition of his participation in that video. Springsteen, IMHO, isn’t worthy to clean up after Roy Orbison’s dog, not to mention share a stage with him.

      When he first came along, I liked a couple of his early songs, but soon realized that he was as packaged as any act on earth could be. It was all repetitious and predictable. He built a career on self imitation. I don’t deny the man the right to practice his art, heaven knows that my music falls into patterns at times, but his entire image was cut from whole cloth.

      Music is that way. Alice Cooper was an act, more theater than music. He figured out that he could but backsides in chairs by pretending to be some grotesque character. In reality, he was happiest on a golf course. Interviews reveal a calm, mature and sincere man. He was an actor, and had a traveling show.

      In reality, most artists are like that. They are a caricature of whatever put them on the map in the first place. Alice Cooper did it by portraying an outrageous villain and giving youngsters something guaranteed to displease their parents. (It’s interesting that he now has a center for youth which teaches vocational skills, etc.) Many other famous artists did the same sort of things. Kiss, whom I loathed, was simply shtick, taken to an extreme. I’m not defending either of these acts; I’m simply explaining them.

      Springsteen came along in the ‘70s, when industrial unemployment was a serious problem. He presented himself as a blue collar, everyman. People could relate, and a Star was born. Now he has to carry that image everywhere he goes.

  4. But Lee, isn’t Bruce Springsteen from Jersey Shore? Isn’t putting him down like Memphis putting down Elvis? – just kidding 🙂 In Arkansas we get to place two statues in the D.C. Mall, and one of them chosen is of Johnny Cash because of the redemption he showed in his life. I wonder if New Jersey would choose a statue of Springsteen?

    1. I am not responsible for New Jersey treating this dullard like a cult hero. You’d have to be here to see how deep it runs. Appalling.

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