Globalist Fat Cats Want Us to Eat Weeds

Garden Guide: What's Eating My Plants?

Ooh-ooh, bugs and leaves together! Chow time!

They’re always trying to get us to eat bugs; now they want us to eat weeds, too. So proclaims the World Economic Forum (

See, it’s the Great Reset, which our Free & Independent Bull-Schiff Nooze Media pooh-poohs as a conspiracy theory, there’s no such thing–even though the loathsome John Kerry gave a speech about it at the forum.

Anyway, us working-class deplorables ought to be eating insects and weeds “to accommodate for global population growth” (they’re not aborting babies fast enough). It’s part of their mission for “leaders of society–” self-anointed, of course–“to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.”

And who elected them to “shape” anything? Probably some of those 80 zillion Biden voters.

And now they’ve got their buddy in the White House. Ol’ “Always for Sale” Biden. At least they think they do.

May the Lord cut them down in their hubris.

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