‘When “Science” Sounded Like Himmler’ (2020)

German Nazi leader and chief of police, Heinrich Himmler, in 1933.

A little creep who murdered millions–in the name of “Science”

Ah, Settled Science! It has a few skeletons in its closet, doesn’t it? Like this one, for instance: eugenics.

When ‘Science’ Sounded Like Himmler

British fiction, published years before World War II broke out, lifts the veil on the West’s acceptance of the “science” that the Third Reich would soon be using to murder everyone they deemed “unfit.” But if you said anything against “the science” in 1936, well…! You won’t be invited to the party anymore.

We never learn, do we? A great deal of evil might have been diverted, had only we allowed ourselves to criticize, analyze, and even mock the pseudo-science of eugenics.

Now they want to lock you up for refusing to believe in Climbit Chainge. Or whatever else strikes them as beyond the realm of questioning.

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