‘Noozies Yelp Before They’re Bitten’ (2018)

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It was time to nominate a new Supreme Court justice; and Donald Trump was president, so of course our Free & Independent Nooze Media were going to attack the nominee no matter who it was.

ABC Nightline didn’t wait to find out who it was. They just attacked.

Noozies Yelp Before They’re Bitten

College stoodints also attacked the nominee before he was nominated. “We’ll never accept Whatsisname!”

Where are those giant chameleons that snap up leftids?

My Newswithviews Column, Oct. 24 (‘Does Our Ruling Class Despise Us?’)

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“You’re under arrest, you hater, you!”

Last year’s hearings on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination told us exactly what to expect if Democrats ever get back into power.

This has already begun to happen in England.

Does Our Ruling Class Despise Us?

Yeah, I know you’re not supposed to say “England” anymore, it’s supposed to be “the United Kingdom,” saying “England” is bad–holy moley, here come the cops! Guess I should’ve said “United Kingdom” after all.