Sports Car Goes Berserk, Kills People

So what’s wrong with this Associated Press news copy? ( )

First the headline: “Porsche in Malta motor show loses control after clipping grass, injures 26 people in crowd.”

And then this: “Eyewitnesses said the Porsche Spyder supercar was driving at high speed…”

As an afterthought, the story mentions that “the driver” was also injured.

Oh! The car had a driver, did it? And yet it still managed to lose control and go speeding? You naughty little car, you! The poor driver was just along for the ride.

Sounds like a load of bilge, doesn’t it?

Well, if guns can just take it upon themselves to indulge in shooting sprees, maybe cars can decide to play kamikaze.

What does your car get up to when you aren’t looking?