He Came in Carrying a Severed Head…

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Once upon a time a news story like this would have been a national sensation. Today it’s just another bizarre incident, soon to be replaced in the headlines by yet another one.

In a town in Oregon, a man came into a store carrying a severed head and then proceeded to stab a store employee (http://www.kgw.com/news/crime/person-stabbed-at-estacada-grocery-store-officials-say/439651514). The rest of the employees tackled him and held him down until the police could arrive.

It seems they were already looking for this man in connection with the murder of a woman elsewhere in town.

We are not told whose head he was carrying.

Do you think there might be something going kind of wrong with our culture?

This is post-Christian America. Not that we were all that short of murders, years ago. But now these incidents just barely raise an eyebrow. Now we are expected to “accept” and “affirm” behavior that once would have gotten its owner committed to a mental institution.

Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong. I’ll thank you for it. Reassure me that our culture isn’t collapsing wherever you look.

But I say we need to turn around and go back the other way. It may be God will lead us back to sanity. If we listen to Him.