Meanwhile, Back at the White House…

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Is it time for us to hide our heads in the sand?

(First, an update: Jill suggested I try Google, it worked, and now I have my stats page, etc. For how long, I dunno. She thinks I’ve got a Firefox problem. Don’t ask me to explain it, because I can’t.)

After getting Congress to pass a “gay marriage” bill by welding it to interracial marriage, which nobody was talking about, but you couldn’t vote against same-sex pseudomarriage without voting against interracial marriage, too–and voila! you’re a biggit!–we’re gonna have a signing ceremony at the White House. And guess what…

Yep! Drag queen invited to be a guest of honor at the White House.

Lord, please, please remember that these things are done without our consent, against our will, and over our objections.