‘Early Attempts to Discredit the Gospel’ (Rushdoony)

Quotes - Rushdoony Radio

As we head into Holy Week, heading toward Easter, bear in mind that the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ has survived countless attempts to discredit it. R.J. Rushdoony discusses those here, in this short video.


This could not be done, although it was certainly attempted, while thousands of eyewitnesses to Jesus’ ministry, His miracles, and His Resurrection still lived. But some hundred years later, it turned into a virtual industry which continues to this day.

How could so much effort, by so many people, over so long a time… fail?

Quite simply, because the Gospel, and the eyewitness accounts, are true.

This truth has been under siege for going on two thousand years–and they still can’t stuff it back into the box.

Onward to the Resurrection!