Themb Dam Catts!!!!!

Raging cat pulls down man's trousers and attacks his dog after they got too  close to her kittens

The catts thay Tryed “to” pull my Pance down tooo!!!!

I hadded a horrabull Time “this” moaning, a hole buntch “of” Catts thay chaised me “al Over the” kampas;, i think It “was” becose of my Moth Antenners thay thawt I was “a” bigg Moth and whanted “to” eet me!!!! Sombtimes it “is” Nott So Goood to be shot up full “of” Moth Hoarmoans,, it was saposed to Trans-foam me into a Wimmin but awl it done “was” maik me groh Moth Antenners!!!

I gotted awhay fromb “the” Catts jist In Tyme to heer too-day”s Lexture in Nothing Studdies it was awl abuot Math and how Math it is Racist!!!! Like frinstints yiu “Are” saposed to say 2+2 it maikes 4 ownly That Is Racist!!!! BECOSE 2 AND 2 IT DOUGHNT MAIK 4 FOR PEEPLE OF CULLER!!!!!!!!!! For themb “it” maiks 3!!!!!!

Math it is Racist becose themb ryte ansers thay “Are Not” ryte afftar awl,,, that are “Ownly” Yuro Sentrick!!!

And then somb Biggit Hater she sayed “Whell then waht abuot themb Hindoo-Arrabick nombers witch We “use” tooo?? Doughnt that meen Math it is “the” saimb for themb as it Is foar Us???”” So we beet her Up and the prefesster she sayed Wyte Peeple THAY STOLE THEMB HINDOO-ARRABICK NOMBERS fromb the Hindoo-Arrabick Peeple in Porchagul or somb-plaice,, IT IS ‘CULCHURUL Appropation!!!!!!!!!!!!”!” And whe shood Give themb Nombers backk to thare ryteful Oners!!!

“The Bottumb Line she sayed is that 2+2 it” is a Culchural Con-Struck and it doughnt meen “nothing at awl” and 2+2 maikes Whattevver yore Culchure seys it maikes!!!! “Iff I wuz yore Math Prefester and yiu gived me One “of” thoze Ryte Ansers I wood mark it Rong and Fale yiu and yiu wood wyned Up “in” Anty-Racist Trayning””!!!””