‘Survey That Says Christianity is Failing Gets Failing Grade from Critics’

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Lent is just around the corner, and then Easter; and we can expect our fat-head nooze media to come out with their annual announcement that Christianity is just about finished in America.

Here’s how they tried it back in 2009.


This is a “survey” which Dr. Rodney Stark at Baylor University described succinctly as “Baloney!” The nooze media, though, elbowed each other for room on the bandwagon.

Also covered herein is the exercise in shabby liberalism known as the 2009 National Pastors Conference. “The truth is that almost everybody believes in God,” says Dr. Stark. But libs within the church are trying hard to steer that belief away from the true God of the Bible toward some kind of wifty-pifty idol they’ve invented.

There’s no doubt at all that the usual suspects will be up to their usual tricks again this Easter.

And this is our opportunity to speak up loud and clear, for all the world to hear: Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings, now and forever, and the one and only Savior. Get ready, take a deep breath… and let ‘er rip.