Liquid Water Found on Mars… Maybe

As you can see by these book covers, Edgar Rice Burroughs didn’t need to wait for NASA to tell him all about life on Mars.

To hear the noozies and the left-wing “comics” tell it, liquid water has been found on Mars, you bet, absolutely, no doubt about it, and that just proves once again that Science and Liberals are always right about everything. And so on.

What has actually been found is indications or evidence that liquid water sometimes exists on the surface of Mars, probably in some form (containing certain minerals or chemicals, for instance) that would allow it to remain liquid at much lower temperatures than water can remain liquid here on Earth ( ).

Please note all the qualifiers, in italics. What it boils down to is there might be liquid water on Mars, sometimes, when conditions permit.

But of course people are already making the jump from that to the you-know-it’s-gotta-happen-soon discovery, on Mars, of living microbes and fossils of more complex creatures–which, to the humanist mind, proves that God did not create life on Earth, the Bible is wrong about everything, and it’s okay for us to be fornicating bastards.

If any trace of life is ever found on Mars, it is guaranteed to be presented to us–by noozies, academics, comedians, and Democrat politicians–as proof that God does not exist.

Liberals don’t like the idea of a Power higher than that of the omnivorous State. And they really, really don’t like the idea of any kind of Judgment after death.

So their humanist religion rejects those concepts.

And demands that life be found throughout the universe, erasing the uniqueness of Earth.

The universe is God’s, and He can create life wherever He pleases. The Bible is concerned with human life on Earth, how we should live it, and how we should come to know, love, and obey God. There is no reason for the subject of life on other planets to come up in the Bible.

It would be cool if life were found on Mars. I’d love to see the fossils. And I would know that, living or extinct, there could only be life on Mars if God had created it there.

A Gem from Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs‘ very first novel, A Princess of Mars, is 101 years old. Next year will be the 100th anniversary of his most famous book, Tarzan of the Apes. I’ve just finished re-reading Princess–and after all these years, it’s still a gem.

One aspect of it deserves special mention: to this day, A Princess of Mars remains one of the most potent refutations of communalism ever written.

The Green Martians have been communalists for untold ages. Having done away with marriage, the family, and private property, they have become cruel, joyless, hateful, and dull. At some point in their ancient history, they must have been ruled by “progressives” who seduced them with a scheme for achieving radical egalitarianism. They achieved it, all right.

When Burroughs started writing this in 1911, what did he know of communalism? Why did he make it a major theme of his first book? Or was this just another one of those extraordinary insights which God grants to artists? Certainly there are anointed Experts among us today who wave their credentials in our faces and preach the abolition of marriage, the family, and even “gender.” Some of us don’t realize that they’re crazy.

Because of what they’ve done to their own culture, Burroughs’ Green Martians are more bestial than the beasts.

Take a good, hard look at what’s being done to our culture, and tell me he was wrong.