Where Trannies Rule

Image result for images of angry transgender students

They do get really angry if you don’t obey them.

At Shawnee State University, Ohio, a philosophy professor is suing the school for punishing him for not obeying a “transgender” student (https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=11507). I’m going to use quotation marks around that word from now on because there’s no such thing as “transgender.” There are only deluded and wicked people who say they are.

Anyhow, this guy wanted the prof to address him as a woman, and when the professor “declined to address the ‘transgender’ student as a female,” the student replied, “I guess this means I can call you a c__t.” And the prof was punished for creating “a hostile environment” in his classroom.

Do they have any idea at all how viciously hostile an environment this “transgender” supremacy creates for Christians–or for anyone else who has at least a toehold on reality?

Hey! Everybody who didn’t vote straight Republican last week! This stuff is what you voted for: to give leftids the false authority to force people to say things that they know are not true, that they know are wrong, and are humiliated by being made to say such things.

That’s what you voted for and that’s what you’ve got.