More Spiritual Pollution

Image result for images of crazy oprah winfrey

So tell me how we’re not incurring more spiritual pollution, as a nation, by entertaining evil stuff like this?

Abortion is “an event to be celebrated.” ‘Cause “a fetus is not a person.”

This is the latest hashtag horse****, “Shout Your Abortion,” and mega-star Oprah Winfrey has endorsed it in the July issue of her O magazine ( As the most famous moral imbecile in America, Oprah has a lot of clout. There are rumors that some of her fans–probably only a few million of ’em, nothin’ to get excited about–don’t particularly resonate to Oprah’s new baby-killing look.

But I think we figured this out a couple of years ago when pro-aborts chanted “Hail, Satan!” in their demonstration.

There is probably a limit to the amount of spiritual pollution we can accumulate before our society chokes to death on it. I would rather not be here when we reach that limit.

And Now… ‘Shout Your Abortion’

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Planned Parenthood, along with “artists and comedians” and other moral imbeciles, has launched its “Shout Your Abortion” Tour. ( )

Planned Parenthood urges women to “brag about your abortion.” Well, sure, why not? All sorts of people now brag about their wickedness. And hey, like Planned Parenthood says, not-yet-born babies are just “clumps of cells.”

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin…

I don’t believe I need to comment on this news story. It speaks for itself.