Here Come the Torpedoes

I grew up on World War II movies. My father served in it, and so did the fathers of most of the kids I knew, and TV played a lot of newsreel footage from the war: so it was very real to us who had only been born four or five years after the war ended.

I still think in terms of WWII imagery, sometimes. Like now.

I see the United States as a great ship separated from her protective convoy, with the U-boat wolf pack closing in. They’ve got her in their sights. The periscopes are trained on her. And then the U-boat captains launch the torpedoes.

“Fire one!” Allow illegal immigration, amnesty for millions of illegal aliens–and freebies, too.

“Fire two!” “Gay” rights and same-sex parodies of marriage. Take down the family, and you take down the nation. And you can use it as a hammer against Christianity, too. Both family and Christianity are obstacles to the absolute dominance of the state.

“Fire three!” Race-baiting from the top down. Politicians, teacher unions, hard-left college profs all trying to stir up violence. Liberals will never let the races live in peace.

“Fire four!” Transgender movement. “Fire five!” The Global Warming hoax, a biggie–biggest science fraud in history. “Fire six!” Feminism. “Fire seven!” “Eight!” “Nine!”

The water now is full of torpedoes, all streaking toward the great ship’s waterline. Their wakes scratch harsh white lines over the grey surface of the sea. Even if the ship takes evasive action, there are now too many torpedoes homing in on her, she can’t possibly escape.

And then the explosions. Boom! Boom! Boom! One after another.

Only then do the U-boats surface, to machine-gun the survivors.

That’s current events today.