Two Facts About Turkey

Image result for images of erdogan with kerry

Kerry and Erdogan, two peas in a pod

I’m not able to give you a seminar on Turkish politics, etc. There was an alleged coup attempt against the Erdogan regime, and it seems to have failed. All our nits in Washington–Obama, Kerry, Clinton–support Erdogan. That means he’s a bad guy, like them, and he ought to go.

Anyhow, there are two facts we can bear in mind.

ISIS set up shop right next door to Turkey, literally adjacent, and Turkey has done nothing about it.

ISIS has attacked France, which is a NATO ally of Turkey’s: and although the NATO treaty is one of collective security, “an attack on one of us is an attack on all,” Turkey has done nothing about it.

I say ISIS cannot exist unless–at the very least!–Erdogan permits it to exist. Whether he actively aids and abets ISIS is more than I know at present.

I think it’s too bad the coup failed.

Endangered Species: Free Speech


So explain how this float in a German parade doesn’t violate the German law against making fun of a foreign head of state…I mean, it looks like he’s trying to artificially inseminate a camel…

Yesterday it was Bill Nye the Science Guy wanting to put people in jail for not believing in Global Warming.

Today, look at Germany, where head honcho Angela Merkel continues her quest to appease the Death to the Infidels wing of Islam by authorizing the prosecution of a German TV comedian who made fun of Turkish President Biff (or whatever his name is: who cares?) Erdogan ( ).

Would you believe it? Way back in 1871, under good ol’ Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany enacted a law making it a criminal offense to disparage or make fun of a foreign head of state. They gave up the spiked helmets, but kept that.

You may have noticed that nobody in Germany ever got thrown in the clink for making fun of George W. Bush. They have a lot of laughs at Obama’s expense, too–big time.

Maybe the difference is that Erdogan complained about it and the American presidents didn’t. Probably Obama never knew about that German law, or else he would’ve said something about the way they depict him in parades.

Why would a Western leader bend over backwards to coddle a Third World dictator?

Because all the leaders of the West are Third World dictator wannabes.

So, everybody–enjoy your free speech while you’ve got it. They don’t mean for you to have it much longer.