You Heard It from a Noozie: Man is God

In case you missed it last week, noozie Chris Cuomo publicly stated that we get our rights not from God who created us, but from man ( ).

He made this grotesque remark in an interview with Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, in which he tried to overthrow Moore’s argument that marriage is ordained by God to consist of a man and a woman. Judge Moore is a great man. Chris, the brother of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the son of former Gov. Mario Cuomo–who famously postulated that a Christian politician need not, in his public policy, be guided by Christian morality–is a noozie, which these days is a shameful thing to be. He is also an ignoramus, running straight up against Thomas Jefferson: who wrote, in The Declaration of Independence,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…

“Inalienable,” for those who can’t do adult crossword puzzles, means not for sale, cannot be given away, cannot be taken away: these are rights that are inherent in our status as human beings.

I leave it to you whether this noozie is a pagan. But if he isn’t, I daresay there’s something very deficient in his grasp of Christian doctrine.

What man can give, man can take away. The noozies are comfortable with that now because their favorite progs and libs control the state. They ought to bear in mind Plutarch’s observation that tyranny is a nice, high perch, but there’s no safe way down from it.

3 comments on “You Heard It from a Noozie: Man is God

  1. Rather one believes marriage is ordained by God, marriage has always been a religious institution not a political one. It is not the governments role to get involved in marriage, but of course they like to get their hands in everything. As for Chris Cuomo well, some people just prefer tyranny.

  2. Yes, it is called willful ignorance (which is the same) I would hate to be standing in the shoes of this kind of people before the great white throne,
    which is just up the road a short way.

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