Can You Believe They Said This With a Straight Face?

Image result for images of hillary clinton with michelle obama

Some of the things liberals say–when you hear them, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

In an interview on PBS with Charlie Rose, Hillary Clinton said, “Hopefully Trump hasn’t ordered the killing of people and journalists” ( I thought journalists were people, too; but she said it, not me.

Let’s see… who is most often rumored to have left a long trail of dead bodies in his/her wake–Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? Far be it from me to say the stories are true. But they’re out there, and most of us have heard them. You’d think it was a subject she wouldn’t want to bring up.

Michelle Obama comes a close second for having said, “Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice.” The comment gives us a peek into the jumbled contents of a poorly-lit mind. Achtung! All women must vote for Hillary! Because she too is a woman! More or less.

I believe Democrats say things like this because they have cut themselves off from the living God as the source of all truth, and have listened to too many collidge prefessers and other interllecturals declaring that there’s no such thing as truth and the only thing that counts is getting your way, politically. It puts them into a position in which they get to thinking they can be gods themselves, if they play their cards right.

It is to our nation’s shame that we have ever let such persons as these obtain power and influence over us. We really ought to try very hard not to let that happen anymore.

5 comments on “Can You Believe They Said This With a Straight Face?

  1. A friend of mine once said, “The truth is sometimes a hard rock to crash up against, but it keeps you from being washed out to sea.” That goes double for Truth with a capital “T,” Who is also the Way and the Life. These poor postmodernists are being washed out to sea where they’ll ultimately drown unless they can somehow find that Truth to grab hold of. We need to pray for them. Pray hard. (Pun intended.)

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