My Newswithviews Column, April 30 (‘The Year Civilization Collapsed: 1177 B.C.’)

Grey Concrete Structure

This theme has been camped out in my head, lately.

The Year Civilization Collapsed: 1177 B.C.

Has our all-consuming coronavirus scare finally taught us how vulnerable, how fragile, how uncertain our current global civilization is? And how truly freakin’ stupid are The Smartest People In The World?

If we hadn’t listened to them, we wouldn’t be in this mess today.

The poor devils in the Late Bronze Age couldn’t avoid what happened to them.

What’s our excuse?


2 comments on “My Newswithviews Column, April 30 (‘The Year Civilization Collapsed: 1177 B.C.’)

  1. What a mind blower to contemplate history in this way. “Why” is my favorite question – it sure keeps my mind occupied. The Bible says God created the world for His pleasure. My part as a believer is not to ask why (answer back to God) but to do and die. I’m in Abraham’s camp, looking forward to a city whose Maker is God.

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