The Best Christmas Movie Ever

A Christmas Carol (1951) Movie Review

We watched this yesterday–Scrooge, the 1951 retelling of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, starring Alistair Sim. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this. Dozens? At least forty, given that Patty and I watch it every Christmas. But it won’t matter if we see it forty times more: it has never failed to melt my heart, and never will.

Why? Because it’s about redemption! What could possibly be more important? And who doesn’t need it?

By the time we were halfway through the story yesterday, I was shaking my head: this was a man who had seriously made a hog’s ass of his life. He’d started out with real disadvantages–his mother died, his father never loved him–which he parleyed into enduring character flaws. If ever a man was bound for Hell, it was he.

And by the power of Jesus Christ, acting through Christmas… he’s saved.

Think about that. Saved! Think of the bad things that you’ve said and done in your life. Truly awful, isn’t it? Oh, what was I thinking!

But God’s sovereign grace, in Jesus Christ, has wiped them all away. They won’t count against us. They won’t even be mentioned.

That’s what this story is about. That’s why it never gets old.

If you haven’t seen it, or been a long time without it–well, it’s easy enough to find on line. Find an hour and a half to give to it. You’ll be abundantly repaid.

5 comments on “The Best Christmas Movie Ever

  1. I don’t think I’ll be watching any movies right away. My son will have the three day weekend, and he is in control of the remote. That’s fine, because I have a fascinating book I am reading now, and with meal cooking and not feeling very well, I think my weekend will be full. But, for all who are watching the movie, I say enjoy, enjoy!

  2. I read where Dickens only took six weeks to write “A Christmas Carol” because he was in need of money. I’ve liked all the movies using this story line except the one starring Bill Murray.

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