‘Curses, Foiled Again! No Sea Level Rise for New York, Washington D.C.’ (2016)

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All those dramatic predictions! All that rending of garments and gnashing of teeth! Sea levels gonna rise, rise, rise! And New York and Washington will wind up underwater. The new Atlantis!

Curses, Foiled Again! No Sea Level Rise for New York, Washington D.C.

Imagine their dismay when the sea levels there actually went down a bit.

None of this has ever been anything but a grab for power and wealth at the general population’s expense. “Give us all yo’ money! Give us all the power! Only then can we save you from Climbit Chains!” (“Don’t you wretched peasants listen to the Settled Science???”)

One wonders just how sad the rest of America would be if New York and Washington went under water.

7 comments on “‘Curses, Foiled Again! No Sea Level Rise for New York, Washington D.C.’ (2016)

  1. The next “proof” of Climbit Chains will be that the seas are drying up and receding. Then, when that “trend” reverses, they’ll go back to their rising seas alarm.

    1. You would think that even a perfunctory acquaintance with geology would teach people that “climate” and sea levels, etc., changes all the time and is no a crisis. But what would leftids do without a crisis?

  2. The Maldives Islands were suppose to be underwater by now – how strange the rich are currently investing in it as a future resort stop. Same with Obama buying a mansion right along the beach.

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