Pushback (!) for Parental Rights

Parents protesting 'critical race theory' identify a new target: Mental  health programs

Are you mad enough yet, folks?

As reported by the Christian Science Monitor, as of March 1 of this year, 32 states have Parental Bill of Rights acts pending in their legislatures (https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Education/2023/0324/32-states-and-counting-Why-parents-bills-of-rights-are-sweeping-US). Some of the bills have already failed–voted down by Democrats–but they can always come back. And there is a federal Parental Rights bill in the House of Representatives… which will be voted down by Democrats in the Senate. Or else vetoed by SloJo, who thinks opposition to “transgender” is (we quote) “almost sinful.” Rhymes with “skin full.”

And as we reported here two years ago, that ol’ Pandemic had children being “educated” online at home by “remote learning”–and for the first time, parents actually saw and heard what their children were being “taught.” And they didn’t like it!

Now we have a flurry of parental rights bills in many state legislatures. In a lot of states, the bills will never pass. But never mind. Make the Democrats go on record as being against parents’ rights, against the family. We know they think it. Now let’s make them say it–loud and clear, for everyone to hear. And while we’re at it, we can find out how many Democrat big shots send their kids to expensive private schools and wouldn’t be caught dead in those public schools that the rest of us are supposed to settle for.

Thirty-two states!

Sounds like progress, to me.

2 comments on “Pushback (!) for Parental Rights

  1. This is very refreshing. Not as good as home school, but better than just capitulating.

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