Our Next (Gulp!)… ‘President’?

Elsa Kurt has an uncanny ability to imitate Kamala Harris.

[Thanks to Susan for the nooze tip.]

So the special counsel describes SloJo as an old man with a bad memory–he was being fantastically charitable–and now assorted Democrats are flirting with the idea of giving Joe the push at their party’s national convention.

Of course, then they’d have to replace him. With whom? Our country is endowed with a whole crowd of terrifyingly inadequate “leaders.” But it would be hard to find anyone more inadequate than SloJo’s vice president–Kamala Harris, the Queen of Word Salad.


HILARIOUS: White Woman Does Spot-On Impression of ‘Every Kamala Harris Speech’ (VIDEO)

As if to drive home the point that she is no more self-aware than a man who insists he’s Queen Victoria, Kamala has been gushing about how “ready” she is to succeed Dodderin’ Joe as president.

Elsa Kurt’s imitation is uncomfortably close to the real thing.

P.S.–Yes, mockery is a legitimate tool of political discourse. And we never needed it more than we need it now.


4 comments on “Our Next (Gulp!)… ‘President’?

  1. LOL 🙂 This IS hilarious! But, Kamala as president is not hilarious, it’s scary. And who the dems will pick for her vice-prez is even scarier. We are under judgement and this shows how close to the bottom of the barrel we are.

  2. Elsa Kurt does Kamala very well. Just think if she were black, but then the dumbed-down Dems might think it is Kamala, and then they would all start suing Ms. Kurt for cultural appropriation.

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