‘Yes, We Need the Pastor Protection Act’ (2016)

The Power of Puppies: Looking at Cute Images Can Improve Focus –  Association for Psychological Science – APS

I haven’t got the heart to illustrate this with any kind of picture of a pseudo-marriage. Here are a couple of nice puppies instead.

A few years ago, some people began to realize that the Constitution won’t protect our religious liberties unless five Supreme Court justices enforce it. So Texas, then Florida, and then Ohio passed “pastor protection acts” to prevent the state from forcing churches to perform homosexual parodies of marriage.

Yes, We Need the Pastor Protection Act

Democrats have always had conniptions over this. They really hate religious freedom. They think you should worship them instead of God.

Is it so hard to imagine a Blue state issuing a “Mandate”–they love mandates!–requiring all churches to perform those pseudo-marriages?

They’ll have us in the arena with the lions next.