Disney’s Next Bomb


“A Satanic love story”–they actually expect it to succeed.

[Thanks to Susan for the nooze tip]

Hey! How about this for a story! Teenage girl falls in love with Satan and he, like, knocks her up! I mean, how about that for Adult Entertainment for an adult audience?

That’s what Disney Corp. is working on now, for Disney-Plus (https://insidethemagic.net/2023/04/disney-plus-new-satanic-love-story-pauline-jh1/). It’ll be “a new exciting direction” for the schlockmeisters: a real “coming of age movie.” Blah-blah-blah.

It’s not even original. It’s a knockoff of a German TV show. Pregnant with the Devil’s baby! (Ira Levin, wherever you are–are you hearing this?)

The movie will be called Pauline. The lass finds Climbit Change “weighing on her mind” (presuming she has one), so naturally she strikes up a romance with Satan.

Poor Old Scratch: he went from Paradise Lost to… this. He’ll wind up as an attraction on the Jersey boardwalk if he doesn’t watch out.

Disney, Disney! They just don’t learn, do they? Box office bomb after box office bomb, each one woker than the last–how the devil (if you’ll excuse the expression) do they stay in business?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Disney’s Next Box-Office Bomb

At themed bars, everybody knows your name

No, this is not a Disney board of directors meeting. It only looks like one.

[Thanks to Susan for the nooze tip–she must be feeling a little better. Thank you, Lord Jesus.]

Does this plan make any sense to you? 1. Spend rafts of money to acquire the rights to the Star Wars franchise. 2. Hire a “feminist director.” She’s won two Oscars for her documentaries, but has never yet directed a Star Wars-type movie for, um, “entertainment.” 3. Allow the director to brag about her animus toward men. 4. Rewrite the whole damned thing to make it Woke.

“I like to make men”–half your audience–“uncomfortable,” she crows.

One bomb after another, Disney Corp is doing to itself what the Luftwaffe did to London in World War II.

Question! Why does Disney keep cranking out Woke movies that lose hundreds of millions of dollars? Don’t they care? Are Woke billionaires secretly covering their losses? How much of this will the stockholders stand for?

I hope this outfit goes bankrupt before our civilization does.