Did Climbit Change Kill Off Giant Apes?

Couldn’t they get the little apes, like the one in the picture, to pick their fruit for them?

Let’s educate ourselves by watching TV news!

NBC News has reported on Chinese research that claims that the world’s giant apes, ten feet tall, went extinct because of Climate Change that had a fatal result: they “couldn’t reach their favorite fruits” (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/you-cant-make-this-up-nbc-news-claims/). Scientists know this creature as Gigantopithecus and say it went extinct some 300,000 years ago–again, due to Climate Change.

Whoa! Say what?? You mean cars, gas stoves, air conditioning, and toilet paper didn’t cause that Climbit Change disaster? Poor Gigantopithecus! If only they’d been smart enough to invent ladders!

Thousands and thousands of prehistoric species had to live with innumerable Climbit Change episodes, and many thousands of species, and whole groups of animals (like dinosaurs) have gone extinct without being pushed over the edge by us. Why, it’s enough to tempt you into believing climates change all the time, all throughout Earth’s history. And just maybe we can’t control it, no matter how much power is handed over to stupid and tyrannical governments.

(“But it must be true, I saw it on TV!”)