Hillary: ‘Camp for Adults’

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Fun for… who?

I can’t see how I could have missed this story, back in 2015. Maybe the nooze media swept it under the rug.

Hillary Clinton, already anointed by the noozies as the odds-on favorite to succeed President *Batteries Not Included, said (at the time), “We have a huge fun deficit in America… We really need camps for adults” (http://www.truthandaction.org/clinton-need-put-adults-fun-camps-re-education/2/).

I listened to the video several times and did not hear her use the word “re-education.” Instead, she stressed that adults need “fun” and that such camps might provide it for them.

When contemplating a Hillary Clinton presidency, the word “fun” is not one that springs to mind. Unless it’s staking someone down on top of a fire ant mound, or something like that.

I concede the possibility that this was just idle talk from a gasbag politician, put the mouth on cruise control while the brain shuts down. But is that a habit we want to encourage in our presidents?

What this wicked woman said in 2015 has a bearing on 2020–because some of us think she’s running again, and, with only little left-wing munchkins to oppose her, she might again become the nominee.

Think she’ll mention “camps” again?

At this point we can’t say anything’s too far out there for a Democrat to endorse.