“‘National Health’ to Push “Stop Drinking” Pill’ (2014)

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One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small…  (Jefferson Airplane)

As C.S. Lewis once said, the robber baron robs you and then moves on; but the know-it-all meddler will never get enough of interfering with your life.

‘National Health’ to Push ‘Stop Drinking’ Pill

Britain’s National Health Service, always on the lookout for another choice to snatch away from people, came up with a pill that supposedly would make you stop drinking alcoholic beverages. I mean, really, c’mon–who wants all that free will jazz? When the government knows what’s best for you! Why should they just stand by and do nothing when you make wrong lifestyle choices?

And then, after poking and pushing and telling you what you can do and can’t do all your life, next thing you know, they’re bundling you into “end of life counseling” and trying to talk you into letting them kill you… They don’t want you hanging around as a “useless eater.”

What is wrong with us, that we would ever consent to stuff like this?

(P.S.–Would you  believe it? I left out the original post!)