‘New Religions and the Nazis’

Image result for images of hitler at rally

There could only be one fuhrer…

The term “nazi” is bandied about today by people who don’t know what it means.

Well, one of the things it certainly meant in real life was an organized effort to estrange the German people from their Christian heritage. And Prof. Karla Poewe wrote a book about just how that was done.


Adolf Hitler used the “German Faith Movement,” and other eccentric new religious groups; and the “fuhrer” of the German Faith Movement used Hitler. But as Poewe points out, there was room for only one fuhrer in Germany; and Hitler made sure it was himself.

But for a while there, Germany’s destiny was guided by a sleazy partnership of Big Government and Big Pseudo-Church. Reading about this should make us uncomfortable. The German Faith Movement rejected most of the Bible, ultimately rejected Jesus Christ (“too Jewish!”), and yet still promoted itself as a “Christian” denomination. Reading about that should make us uncomfortable, too? Can you say “Clergy For Choice”?

The Nazis were anti-Christian, hyper-nationalist, big government socialists: as in “the National Socialist Germany Workers Party.”

They were not American Republicans.