Parrots: ‘Fear No Cat’

How do the parrots in these videos get the upper hand over these cats? I mean, who’s supposed to be the predator–eh? Somehow the parrot has the cats’ number. We need an enormous federal grant to study this mystery!

One for the Birds

These birds are smart! They dance to music, although their taste in music is questionable. They throw stuff around to make a mess. And I love the parakeet talking to himself as he tries to do I-don’t-know-what with a toy cannon.

Gotta wonder about some of the folks behind the camera, though.

Parrot vs. Dog: War of Words

The parrot does not feel like listening to the dog barking. How can he make it stop? Well, that’s what you’ll find out in this video. We don’t get to see it from the dog’s point of view, though.

Parrot Plucks a Tune

This parrot has learned to play an actual piece of music–Roskolnikov’s Interlude in F Minor, Opus 41… which some of you may remember as the theme music of “The Edie Pokeweed Show.” Mind you, I never said it was a good piece of music. But the parrot likes it.

Parrots & Dogs: Partners in Crime

This is just a small sample of what’d happen to us if animals ever learned how to work together. We’d run out of dog treats, for starters.

I knew a cat who used to open the refrigerator for the dog and the other cat. My iguana was pretty good friends with him, but didn’t like cold chicken. Humans came home from work to find they didn’t have any supper.

Doggone Parrots!

Domestication makes animals behave in ways they wouldn’t even think of in the wild. I mean, look how the parrots in this video take liberties with dogs. And look how careful the dogs are not to, well, eat the parrots. This is what comes of living with humans who spoil you.

Bonus Video: Parrot in a Hammock

At last! An actual use for those stupid face masks. One of them makes a very nice hammock for a parrot. All the bird needs is a nice cool glass of lemonade.

This is a very short video, so I’ll follow it up with something more substantial.

If a Cat Answers, Hang Up

All the animals in this video are as smart as paint, but my favorite is the cat who hears a phone ring and promptly tries to answer it. “Hello! This is the call-back you requested [Editor’s note: a lie] after viewing our TV commercial for our patented Acme Nose Hair remover!” Answer: “Meow.”