First They’ve Got to Get Rid of the Real God

Some readers thought I was joshing the other day, when I posted a report of British scientists claiming they were able to delete (or dramatically reduce) a person’s religious beliefs by bombarding his brain with powerful magnetic stimuli ( ).

Well, it’s no hoax. In fact, we’ve got an update for you ( ) from The Stream.

See, it’s not that they’re going to erase religious belief. No, no–they’re going to treat it, like treating a disease, to make it go away. It’s all in a scientific paper entitled, “Neuromodulation of group prejudice and religious belief.” Note how “group prejudice” and “religious belief” are lumped in together. What does that tell you about their mind-set?

Or does it just tell you that atheism and political liberalism are evidence of brain damage?

As an added bonus, they say they’re also able to make you feel better about hordes of immigrants streaming into your country.

Some questions arise.

*Given that they were conducting their little science project in Britain, where did they find “volunteers” who had Christian religious beliefs in the first place? (You can take it for granted that they never tried to erase anyone’s Muslim or humanist beliefs. That would’ve been unscientific.)

*Now that they’ve deleted or reduced their volunteers’ religious belief, what happens next? Can they put it back, or do these poor souls have to spend the rest of their lives as artificially-produced atheists? What will happen if one of these persons sues to have his religious belief restored?

*If they can take beliefs out of your brain, can they also put beliefs in? Can they turn you into anything they want?

A Progressive dream come true!

I leave it to you to judge who is more respectful of our freedom, individuality, and dignity–Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, or a bunch of squirming little science vermin who want to mold your mind like Play-Doh?

Humanist Religion (3): Liberal Control Freaks

If I have learned anything at all from intensively studying current events and history, it’s this: everything said or done or advocated by liberals (aka “progressives”) has as its one and only aim the control of other people. This is what makes them tick. In fact, it is the only thing that makes them tick.

Caveat: Not all secular humanists are liberals. Some are strict libertarians who really don’t care what anybody else does, just that they be left alone to do it. There are atheists who are politically conservative, even socially conservative–a position fraught with logical pitfalls, but they are welcome to it.

Most of the Humanist Manifesto II crowd, though, are dyed-in-the-wool liberals… and they want to control your behavior and everybody else’s. Some are sincerely deluded that they know what’s best for others and why do the rest of us not have the good sense to obey them? (“Sincerely deluded” is actually a tautology: I don’t think you can be insincerely deluded.) That would be your old-fashioned Hubert Humphrey liberal–a nice man, an honest man, with a lot of ideas as wacky as they come.

But mostly, when you examine the policies that liberals insist we follow, you discover that if we did follow them, liberals would gain fantastic wealth and more and more power over others. This is blatantly easy to see in the case of Global Warming. It’s what has driven public education theory for over 100 years. It is what makes the political world go round.

There are few liberals who are as flagrantly obvious as, say, Hillary Clinton, about their hunger for power as an end in itself, not to mention her insatiable piling-up of personal wealth. Most of them do a far better job of hanging the fig leaves. But they are only fig leaves.

Because they have such a monomaniacal need to control others, liberals always try to wipe out even the most trifling and ineffective opposition. Case in point: New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, in all other respects a Party apparatchik in good standing, has been socked with a great big indictment for corruption on charges that the Party just laughed off a year ago. But Menendez opposed Dear Leader’s policy of going soft on Castro’s Cuba; so, for this single trespass, they mean to destroy him. The fact that Menendez’s constituency includes many anti-Castro Cuban voters, whom he must represent or else find another line of work, does not register with the Kremlin on the Potomac. They could have very easily ignored it: “Oh, that’s just Bob Menendez, he has to do that…” But no–off with his head.

If you forget everything else, remember that liberals–who probably account for some 90% of the secular humanists–have an unquenchable desire to control your behavior. Under the banner of “Choice,” they take away your choices. Under the  banner of “Diversity,” they enforce uniformity of thought.

This is what motivates America’s ruling caste at every level, from the lowliest classroom teacher to the pharaoh in the White House. Understand this lust for control, and you will understand everything they say and do.