First They’ve Got to Get Rid of the Real God

Some readers thought I was joshing the other day, when I posted a report of British scientists claiming they were able to delete (or dramatically reduce) a person’s religious beliefs by bombarding his brain with powerful magnetic stimuli ( ).

Well, it’s no hoax. In fact, we’ve got an update for you ( ) from The Stream.

See, it’s not that they’re going to erase religious belief. No, no–they’re going to treat it, like treating a disease, to make it go away. It’s all in a scientific paper entitled, “Neuromodulation of group prejudice and religious belief.” Note how “group prejudice” and “religious belief” are lumped in together. What does that tell you about their mind-set?

Or does it just tell you that atheism and political liberalism are evidence of brain damage?

As an added bonus, they say they’re also able to make you feel better about hordes of immigrants streaming into your country.

Some questions arise.

*Given that they were conducting their little science project in Britain, where did they find “volunteers” who had Christian religious beliefs in the first place? (You can take it for granted that they never tried to erase anyone’s Muslim or humanist beliefs. That would’ve been unscientific.)

*Now that they’ve deleted or reduced their volunteers’ religious belief, what happens next? Can they put it back, or do these poor souls have to spend the rest of their lives as artificially-produced atheists? What will happen if one of these persons sues to have his religious belief restored?

*If they can take beliefs out of your brain, can they also put beliefs in? Can they turn you into anything they want?

A Progressive dream come true!

I leave it to you to judge who is more respectful of our freedom, individuality, and dignity–Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, or a bunch of squirming little science vermin who want to mold your mind like Play-Doh?

UK Scientists Claim They Can Use Magnets to Erase Belief in God

This just in–British scientists say that by wacking your brain with very powerful magnets, they can make Christians stop believing in God and also make you feel real good about Muslim immigrants flooding into your country ( ).

You could probably get the same results with a baseball bat, or by not allowing the subject to sleep, and it’d be cheaper.

It might be said that it really doesn’t take much to get a Brit to reject Christianity. Millions of ’em have already done so without any help from scientists.

But isn’t it nice to know that governments will soon have another weapon in their arsenal to use against faith, truth, and sanity?

So break out the Nobel Prize, they’ve finally found a way to destroy anyone’s religious faith!

And replace it with faith in… what?

I’m not sure I want to know.

Global warming Gang Asks Obama to Prosecute Skeptics

So how does science get settled, these days? We are told that science is the absolute authority, the sole proprietor of Truth. But how is it decided what Truth is?

Why, that’s easy. Whoever holds the keys to the jailhouse holds the keys to Science. The way to win any scientific debate is by making threats of violence. And it goes way beyond “Shut up or I’ll punch ya in the nose!”

What, you don’t believe that? But a group of 20 prominent “climate scientists” have asked President *Batteries Not Included–a lawless man, if ever there was one–to have “deniers” prosecuted under RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations), a statute created to control organized crime ( ).

See, not agreeing with them about Global Warming means you must be part of a criminal conspiracy, and you must be thrown in jail so that Big Government can get on with its mission to become even bigger, with government-approved “scientists” as its infallible advisers and oracles. If you question or disbelieve their claim that Man-Made Global Warming gonna burn up the world and we all gonna die, unless we give gigantic new powers to a government already grown colossal in its arrogance and its pretensions, you are an Enemy of the People. You are trying to stop our all-wise, all-powerful scientists and politicians from Saving the Planet.

You must be jailed.

That’s how science gets settled. In this lawless age, science must be lawless, too.

New Executive Order: ‘Target Behavior’

One of the helpful space aliens from the classic Twilight Zone episode of 1962, “To Serve Man.”

Okay… at the count of three, I’m going to wake up and none of this has really happened, it’s all just been a dream. One… two… three…

No! No! This is not happening! Say it ain’t so! But I’m afraid it is so, kid.

Remember when we used to be the United States of America, and we used to get new laws when our elected representatives publicly debated and then voted on them? When we weren’t herded around like cattle by a combination of judicial rulings and executive orders?

Well, President *Batteries Not Included has a new executive order, this one ordering government agencies to use “behavioral science” to “target” groups of citizens so they can more effectively be rounded up into various government programs ( ).

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Says the Community Organizer-in-Chief’s latest executive order, “behavioral science insights–research findings from fields such as behavioral economics and psychology about how people make decisions and act on them–can be used to design government policies to better serve the American people.”

Uh-uh. Sort of like the aliens in that old Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man.” They came to our planet “to serve man”–serve him up for breakfast, lunch, supper, or a midnight snack.

Listen. This has been said before. Maybe this time you can hear it.

Our government is too damned big, too damned powerful, too damned costly, and has its nose stuck into too damned many places.

God will eventually destroy it. Unless we come to our senses and cut it down to size.