Now I Hate Sports

Rock Hyrax | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants

I can’t bring myself to illustrate this vileness. Here’s a nice rock hyrax instead.

I learned early on that sports do not build character. They just bring out whatever character is there. That’s what’s wrong with them.

So the other night at the ol’ ballpark was “Pride” Night, the night when normal people are expected to “celebrate” other people’s aberrant sexual practices. As in celebrate or else.

Five Tampa Bay Rays players removed the “Pride” logo from their caps and jerseys–because they didn’t want to be giving their support to something that they firmly believe to be a sin. Their gesture was performed almost apologetically. Like, “Oh, we’re sorry we can’t join in this celebration, it’s like not for us, but we love you guys and you’re really super wonderful people…” yatta-yatta.

They could’ve saved their breath. They got ripped as biggits anyway. All that backing and filling couldn’t save them.

ESPN the Far Left sports network brought on some dindle named Sarah Gesundheit or whatever it was ( And of course she called the players biggits for not allowing themselves to be drafted by the “Pride” crowd.

“Pride is about inclusion,” she babbled, “so you don’t love them [sodomites] and you don’t welcome them if you’re not willing to wear the patch.” She also described the Christian religion as “B.S.” If you’re subscribed to ESPN, shame on you.

They also like to say that all this moral chaos is about “just being yourself.” Well, how the devil can you ‘be yourself’ if they can force you to embrace something that you absolutely don’t believe in? Somehow it’s “hate” if it’s done to them and “social justice” if it’s done to us.

You used to be able to watch a ballgame and unwind. Now when you go to watch a game, they wind you up. You have to listen to some schiff-head nag you about “Pride.” Take pride in things that are shameful. Or else yer a biggit!. Maybe every now and then they’ll get around to baseball.

There can’t be two supreme moral codes in one nation. One or the other must prevail.

“As for me and my house,” Joshua said, “we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). Forget the backing and filling. It won’t do you any good.