Next Step to Utopia: Compulsory Exercise

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From our It-Only-Hurts-When-I-Laugh Dept.:

Wait’ll the World Happiness Council gets a hold of this!

A Swedish company has made weekly visits to the gym mandatory for all of its employees. Every Friday, it’s yoga or bust. No getting out of it. As the company president says, “If you don’t want to exercise or be a part of the company culture, you have to go.” (

Walter Williams predicted this would happen. I’m sure he hoped he was wrong.

Exercise is good for you, right? Like, who could possibly disagree with that? So mandatory exercise, whether you feel like it or not–well, that must be even better for you!

And dig that company culture that everybody has to be a part of, or else. Now that’s diversity! None of that just going home when your work is done for the day.

My wife was once pettily penalized by her employer for not going on the company’s trip to the race track. She doesn’t care for horse racing: in fact, on that particular occasion, a horse broke its leg and had to be shot right there in front of everybody. But you’ve got to be part of the company culture.

Our masters the Morlocks control our lives for our own good!

The Difference Between Us

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What is the difference between Christianity and humanism? It’s easily explained.

Humanists believe in the perfectibility of man by man; and we, as Christians, don’t.

Plato, Rousseau, the modern Left–they all think that if we only get the right science behind it, spend enough money, and apply the requisite measure of brute force, we can solve any human problem. All we need is another law, another set of new regulations, another bureaucracy to put it into play, round up all the dissidents, and bob’s your uncle: Utopia is achieved.

We believe in an ongoing process of individual sanctification, accomplished by God’s grace and by faith in Jesus Christ. We may not reach perfection, but we can get better than we were. As for Utopia, that doesn’t come until Jesus returns and establishes His kingdom on the earth. We do not believe that human nature is just a more complicated form of Play-Doh, to be shaped as desired by anyone clever enough, strong enough, rich enough, or ruthless enough to do it.

But their belief in their own godlike powers, their own wisdom, pretty much explains the whole history of that horrible 20th century. Always breaking eggs to make the perfect omelet, but never getting there no matter how many they break.

See? I told you it was easy.