Now They Brag About Their Crime

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My friend the homicide detective has always said a great number of serious crimes are solved not by detective work, but simply by the criminals’ inability to keep their mouths shut. “They can’t help it,” he says. “They’ve just got to tell somebody how smart they were. And then that somebody tells us.”

Time Magazine’s Feb. 15 cover story brags about how “a cabal” of rich and powerful people–in Big Business, Big Labor, Big Tech, the nooze media, and politics–“conspired” to rig the 2020 election and commit massive fraud ( The Federalist’s Joy Pullman has written an article analyzing this crime.

You want hubris? The Time article is entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” Saved it? Saved it? With a “shadow campaign”? How much more of that are we expected to tolerate?

And they did it, she says, “to save democracy.” As in “We had to destroy this village in order to save it.”

For the first time ever, some 160 million mail-in ballots were included in the election results, without any effort to ensure quality control. The plotters also made sure “to control the information”–in which our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. were indispensable. “To control the information” means… to lie.

Heaping up the hubris, they now feel free to brag about their crime.

Someone must have convinced them that if your crime is big enough, our law enforcement institutions simply throw up their hands and let it slide.

No one has ever committed a bigger crime against America.

No one has been punished for it.

May righteous God avenge us.