My Newswithviews Column, Aug. 12 (‘A High School Diploma… For Nothing’)

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I’m still reeling from the news that the state of Oregon has voted to toss academic standards out their high school windows for the next five years: you won’t need to learn reading, writing, or math to get a high school diploma.

Yo, minorities! They’re doing this because they think you’re too dumb to meet ordinary academy standards. You need a big boost from white liberals!

A High School Diploma… For Nothing

If this is not offensive, what is? And meanwhile, what about those kids who’ll be sitting in the classroom for four whole years without any requirement to learn anything? 

This is robbery. Robbing Oregon’s taxpayers. Taking their money–by force, if need be–and giving nothing in return.

If liberals don’t destroy us in the next year or two, it won’t be because they didn’t try.